

Choose from the available VBS2Combined Arms Aircraft objects

No. of Aircraft(s)

Click the ‘Select’ button, to choose a particular aerial asset(s) from the available aerial assets for that VBS2Combined Arms Aircraft object


Choose from the available formations [trail] for the aerial asset to fly to the holding location.

Reference Grid

The grid location for the holding pattern is specified here. The following reference grid types are available: MGRS ABBR, MGRS, UTM and REF PT.

‘From Map’ button: when this button is clicked, then VBS2 will switch to RTE mode. Once a grid point is selected, that grid will be generated into the VBS2Combined Arms application .

From Map’ button cannot be utilized if the POD/HUD view is active.


The aircraft selected will be routing in the given routing altitude.

The maximum attack altitude for fixed wing is 40000ft and for rotary wing is 2000m AGL. The minimum for fixed wing is 300ft and for rotary wing is 100m AGL